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How to Increase Female Breast Size?
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    Clinical studies confirm it:

    You can increase female breast size!

    You can get larger perky breasts!

    You can improve your appearance!

  • No Breast Growth?

    No Breast Growth?

    For many women breast size is a large factor of how they measure their physical appearance and can have a big effect on self-confidence.

  • Find a Solution!

    Find a Solution!

    Clinical studies confirm it:

    You can increase female breast size!

    You can get larger perky breasts!

    You can improve your appearance!

  • No Breast Growth?

    No Breast Growth?

    For many women breast size is a large factor of how they measure their physical appearance and can have a big effect on self-confidence.

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Do you suffer from small female breasts?
While everyone's ideal is different, most societies prefer a woman with larger rounded perky breasts. When a woman finds herself lacking in that area it can bring down her self-confidence and make her feel less womanly.

Breast Growth

What is Breast Growth?

Female breast growth begins in puberty. Budding, the initial "eruption" of small lumps below the areola is often one of the first signs of puberty and generally occurs around the age of 10 to 12 years. However, girls can begin to experience breast growth as early as 7 years old, and some other girls may not experience breast growth until 12 years old or later.

The start of puberty and the development of breasts is effected by a number of factors. While breast size is in part hereditary; overall health, weight, physical activity, nutrition and even stress levels can and do have an effect on breast size. For some girls, breast growth is slow and for others it can seem like their breasts appear overnight. While all girls are different, it generally takes 3 to 5 years for breasts to completely develop.

The female breast is primarily made up of fatty tissue and the mammary glands that lies over the pectoral muscles. The mammary glands are the milk producing glands used during breast feeding. The areola is the darker area of the breast that surrounds the nipple. As the breast grows, the areola does as well.

While many know that the hormone estrogen plays a large roll in breast growth other hormones have an effect as well. The steroid hormone Progesterone works with estrogen during puberty to develop the mammary glands in women. All women also have testosterone in their system, just at lower levels than men. If your level of testosterone is too high this can negatively affect breast size. The hormone prolactin controls the level of fat storage in the female breast. During pregnancy it is prolactin that contribute to increased breast size. All of these hormones work in concert both during puberty and throughout life to effect breast size.

For most women their breasts stop growing a few years after the onset of puberty. For women with small breasts this can be disheartening. However, once puberty is over it is possible to initiate breast growth and to increase female breast size.

Female Breast Size

Often many women struggle with properly and accurately determining their breast size. This can result in purchasing ill-fitting uncomfortable bras and other undergarments. Cup size measures are denoted as a letter, starting at A for small female breasts and going up alphabetically with progressively larger female breasts. Though cup measurement denotation varies slightly from one country or region to the next all use the letter system and sizes are relatively uniform. Cup size can range from A all the way up to P. The average female breast cup size is a C cup.

Properly measuring your breast size can seem complicated. If you are not comfortable measuring yourself going to a store that specializes in bras and other female undergarments and having them assist you in measuring can be the best option. To measure yourself you will need a standard sewing tape measure and a non-padded bra. You want to be wearing a non-padded bra while measuring because this will give you the most accurate measurement.

Band Size

Band Size

To start you will find your band size. Wrap the tape measure around your underbust, directly below your bra. The measure should be neither too tight or loose. Take your measure as you exhale so to get the most accurate and smallest number. Round this number, in inches or centimeters, to the nearest whole number. Up to 38, your band size will actually be your measurement plus 3. Once you hit 38 the band size should be rounded up to the nearest even number.

Cup Size

Cup Size

To measure cup size, you wrap the measure around the fullest part of the breast. Once again ensure the measure is neither too tight nor too loose. Take this number and subtract your band size from it. The resulting number is easily converted into your most likely cup size. For each inch of difference your cup size increases by one. For example, a 3-inch difference would be a C cup.

Do you suffer from small female breasts?
Women with smaller breasts are often mocked for having a boyish figure and look. Even when a woman is not ridiculed a small breast size can make her perceive herself as less of a woman and less attractive.

Small Female Breasts

Self-confidence is not the only thing that can be affected by small female breasts.

Problems Commonly Associated With Small Female Breasts

Choice of clothes

Choice of clothes

Most women's clothing is fitted and cut to accentuate the female breast. Having smaller than normal breasts can make it harder to find clothing that fit. Clothing may lay wrong, not fit properly, or not accentuate the figure. Many women's garments have built in bras which may cause a shirt or dress to not fit at all if the breast area is too large for a woman's breasts.

Physical attraction factor

While some men prefer smaller female breasts, breast size is often perceived as a major physical attraction factor. This perception is not far from the truth. Both informal studies and actual research studies have found that the majority of men prefer larger breasts. While a woman with small breasts will likely still be found attractive by many, there are some men who inevitably will not find her as attractive as they would if she had larger breasts.

Physical attraction factor
Lacking confidence

Lacking confidence

That knowledge is common enough that a woman with small breasts may find herself insecure and lacking confidence. Both of these traits are also often quite unattractive to men and can be toxic to a relationship. If woman is insecure about her appearance she may perceive her significant other is as displeased with her body as she is. That perception can cause her to not only lack confidence but can also cause her to lack trust that her partner won't stray for someone with larger breasts who he (and she) perceives as more attractive.

Luckily, the medical science invented methods to increase female breast size and prevent problems associated with small female breasts.

How to deal with small female breasts?

Long before attempting to increase small female breast size many women try a variety of somewhat-true solutions. Many of these solutions have been deemed "false advertising" by men, because the appearance is not real, and of course once the clothes come off there is no hiding small female breasts.


Push-up bras

There are many types of push-up bras on the market. Some work better than others. Some provide lift, while others have padding. Some bras have an adjustable strap in the front of the bra to tighten and lift breasts. While both padded bras and push up bras can provide some lift and a fuller appearance they are not true solutions. Of course without them female breast size remains the same.


Homeopathic tricks and massage

Women may also try other homeopathic tricks to increase female breast size or the appearance of larger breasts. Some also believe that breast massage can stimulate the breasts and blood flow, however this rarely works or works in a significant enough manner to truly increase breast size.


Lose weight

Many women attempt to lose weight in the hopes of making their breasts appear larger. Yet, often breast size drops with weight loss. In fact, many women joke that they lose weight in their breasts before anywhere else. Losing weight to make the female breast look bigger can actually have the reverse effect.


Foods with phytoestrogen

Some women attempt to incorporate foods high in phytoestrogen. Legumes, whole grains, and seeds are often high in phytoestrogen. It is true that phytoestrogen can have the same effect as estrogen in stimulating breast growth. However, sometimes phytoestrogen actually blocks the body's natural estrogen having the reverse affect.

Try breast enlargement pills
Many women turn to breast enlargement pills to naturally and permanently increase female breast size. Unlike many other options, female breast enlargement pills work to stimulate real growth in the breasts that is permanent.

How to increase female breast size?

Just because you are unhappy with your small breasts doesn't mean there is nothing you can do it about it. There are a number of options, both natural and medical, that can potentially help you increase your breast size.

Some methods may work better than others depending on the individual. Some women don't respond to certain treatments, for others the results may be stunning. Some more extreme female breast enlargement options, such as surgery, may be either too expensive or not an option you may be interested in exploring. Breast implants are of course a well-known option however both female breast lifting creams and breast enlargement pills are often used with success.

Physical Workouts

Physical Workouts

A physical workout can, over time, increase female breast size some. Working out on a regular basis is great for overall health and should be part of every healthy lifestyle. If the goal is increasing female breast size, however, it takes time and consistent effort to see any female breast growth from working out. With workouts the pectoral muscles can be increased in size, which may show some growth in the female breast, as well lift.

There are a number of exercises one can try to increase female breast size and achieve breast lift as well. There are several types of push-ups that work the pectoral muscles. Standard push-ups, wall push-ups, and elevated push-ups all work the muscles of the breast area. Using dumbbells to do chest presses, lifts, and flies will also work the pectoral muscles. Often working out to extreme amounts can actually give the female figure a more masculine look. They are good for overall health and may make breast muscles bigger. However, they require time and proper attention. As a result, female figure may look less feminine.




Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum Pumps

Some women with small female breasts opt to use vacuum pumps to increase the size of their breasts. This method is natural and will achieve some degree of success. However, vacuum pumps are only a temporary solution.

Many vacuum pumps for breast enlargement come in just one size. This can make them not only uncomfortable but ineffective if the cup does not fit snugly and correctly on your breast. Without optimal suction the pump will prove ineffective, even in the short term.

Though using a vacuum pump is natural, there are real and actual health risks involved in using one. The suction of the pump can easily damage blood vessels which is both unsightly and unhealthy. Continuous prolonged use of a breast vacuum pump can cause damage to the underlying breast tissues. The suction of the pump will, overtime, stretch the skin and tissues of your breasts which can have a sagging effect on the breast that may not be reversible.




Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most well-known breast enlargement processes. It is also a major surgery procedure that carries the same real and serious life-threatening risks that any major surgery involves. Breast augmentation can involve implanting saline or silicone implants. Some women opt to have fat transferred to their breasts for surgical enlargement. All of these options are very costly. It is almost unheard of for breast augmentation surgery to be covered by insurance, making the steep costs entirely out of pocket. The only exception to this is breast reconstruction for female breast cancer survivors.

Many women who do opt to have breast augmentation end up being unsatisfied with the results. The breasts may look unnatural. There are instances where surgery goes wrong and the breasts are uneven or the nipple placement is abnormal. Some women come out of the surgery feeling like their doctor did not follow their wishes, leaving them with breasts smaller or larger than they wanted. Even when the surgery turns out exactly as planned studies have found that many women are still unhappy with their breasts.




Lifting Creams

There is a wide variety of breast lifting and enhancing creams. Almost all are natural and organic. There are even recipes for making breast creams at home. These creams sell well and there is a good reason, they can be very effective for breast lifting and firming. Lifting and firming of female breasts can cause an appearance of slight increase in female breast size. However, real or significant female breast growth is not attainable with breast lifting nor enhancement creams.

If opting to purchase and try a lifting or enhancing cream, it is important to check the ingredients and country of origin. All natural products are not a well regulated industry and there is a real chance that a cream may contain ingredients that are harmful to one's health. However, if you can find a good lifting cream it is a great option to use alongside an enlargement product to lift and firm your breasts as you work to naturally enlarge them.




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Enlargement Pills

Female breast enlargement pills are all natural products that are used to induce breast growth. These pills often contain a mix of vitamins, minerals, and natural herbs that can stimulate breast growth resulting in a permanent increase to female breast size. Many of the herbs and minerals used in breast enlargement pills have a long history of use and success. Some of these herbs have been noted as useful since as early as the 19th century to help increase the size of small female breasts. Others have been a part of Indian medicine for the last 4000 years.

Long before many modern options for female breast growth were available many native peoples used and found success with natural herbs and minerals. Makers of breast enlargement pills use this ancient knowledge of the Indians and other historical societies to create a product that uses a natural and healthy mix of vitamins, minerals, and herbs to stimulate female breast growth successfully.




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According to scientific studies:
Scientific studies effectively showed that female breast enlargement pills are a viable and incredibly successful option to rectify small female breasts.
This is the most affordable, safe and natural method of increasing breast size in women with more than 98% success rate.

Read more about breast enlargement pills

Clinical Studies

Though many female breast enlargement options are natural, some have been proven, not only through customer testimonials but also by extensive clinical studies. Two different experiments that tested the benefits and effectiveness of breast enlargement pills both clinically confirmed the effectiveness of breast enlargement pills.

In the first experiment scientists set out to specifically measure the increase of fatty lipids in female breast tissue. Since the female breast is made up of primarily fatty tissue, an increase of fatty lipids would be indicative of success. This first study showed an increase in fatty lipids of almost 500% with the use of breast enlargement pills.

In a second study scientists set out to replicate the previous study in order to verify the results. The scientists not only replicated the success of the first study they actually surpassed it. In the second study the fatty lipid cells increased by 640%! In the scientific community an experiment is only considered successful if the results can be repeated.

Clinical Studies

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